
  1. Introduction
  2. Essential Keywords
    • SELECT
    • WHERE
    • ORDER BY
    • DESC
    • NULL Values and Logical Operators
    • AS
    • LIKE and NOT LIKE
    • LIMIT and OFFSET
    • Disconnecting
  3. Joins and Aggregations
    • Joining Multiple Tables
    • Outer Joins
    • Aggregations
    • Grouping
    • Set Operations
    • Order of Keywords

1. Introduction

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a widely used programming language for storing, managing, and retrieving data in databases. It is especially valuable for analyzing large datasets that cannot be stored on a single machine, a.k.a. big data. One of the key advantages of using SQL for big data analysis is that it does not require data to be directly imported, which in turn keeps the processes of data analysis and data maintenance separate. This separation enhances the efficiency and quality of both processes, ensuring that the insights derived from big data are accurate and actionable.

There are many dialects of SQL, including SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, and SQLite. In this walkthrough of SQL fundamentals, we’ll use SQLite to work with a database stored on our computer. Using SQLite will allow us to execute SQL queries within the RMarkdown environment and having the data local will simplify our connection to it. The database we’ll use is from the company

To follow along in RStudio, please download the sql-fundamentals-walkthrough repository to your local computer and place the sqlite files in the same folder as this RMarkdown file.

To begin, follow the code chunks below, using the accompanying markdown snippets for insight and guidance. If you see something that can be improved, please do reach out!

library(DBI)# To connect to database management systems
library(RSQLite) # To use SQLite in RMarkdown
library(RMariaDB) # To use MySQL (if needed)
library(dplyr) # Part of tidyverse, has commands for reading data
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Now, let’s set up a connection to the animals database using the dbConnect function. Note that we are not importing data. Instead, we create a connection or pathway that allows us to access it.

db <- dbConnect(
          SQLite(), # Dialect of SQL we will be using
          dbname = "animals.sqlite" # Name of database and where to find it
## <SQLiteConnection>
##   Path: C:\Users\chira\Documents\Projects\animals.sqlite
##   Extensions: TRUE

Finally, before diving into the essential keywords of SQL, let’s examine the tables in this database.

## [1] "austin_animal_center_age_at_outcome"                      
## [2] "austin_animal_center_intakes"                             
## [3] "austin_animal_center_intakes_by_month"                    
## [4] "austin_animal_center_outcomes"                            
## [5] "austin_animal_center_outcomes_for_animal_type_and_subtype"
## [6] "sqlite_stat1"                                             
## [7] "sqlite_stat4"

2. Essential Keywords


Most SQL queries start with the SELECT statement. As the name suggests, SELECT is used to retrieve data from tables in a database.

Here, SELECT is used to retrieve the name and intake_type columns from the table, austin_animal_center_intakes:

SELECT name, intake_type 
FROM austin_animal_center_intakes
Displaying records 1 - 10
name intake_type
Scamp Stray
Scamp Public Assist
Bri-Bri Stray
Tyson Public Assist
Jo Jo Public Assist
Oso Owner Surrender
Oso Public Assist
*Dottie Stray
Manolo Owner Surrender
Manolo Owner Surrender

Note: Keywords are case-insensitive, but convention is to capitalize them. It’s also convention to use multiple lines for different parts of the query. This makes the queries more readable.

“*” is a wildcard used to select all columns:

SELECT * FROM austin_animal_center_intakes
Displaying records 1 - 10
animal_id name datetime monthyear found_location intake_type intake_condition animal_type sex_upon_intake age_upon_intake breed color
A006100 Scamp 1512655620 POINT(17.0 12.0) Colony Creek And Hunters Trace in Austin (TX) Stray Normal Dog Neutered Male 10 years Spinone Italiano Mix Yellow/White
A006100 Scamp 1418984460 POINT(14.0 12.0) 8700 Research Blvd in Austin (TX) Public Assist Normal Dog Neutered Male 7 years Spinone Italiano Mix Yellow/White
A191351 Bri-Bri 1447430220 POINT(15.0 11.0) 1912 E William Cannon Rd in Austin (TX) Stray Normal Cat Intact Female 16 years Domestic Longhair Mix Black/White
A322813 Tyson 1425566940 POINT(15.0 3.0) Austin (TX) Public Assist Normal Dog Neutered Male 11 years Rottweiler Mix Black/Brown
A553074 Jo Jo 1459037040 POINT(16.0 3.0) 3614 Bill Price in Travis (TX) Public Assist Normal Dog Spayed Female 7 years Labrador Retriever/German Shepherd Brown/Black
A672744 Oso 1392657000 POINT(14.0 2.0) Travis (TX) Owner Surrender Normal Dog Intact Male 3 years Rottweiler Mix Black/Tan
A672744 Oso 1392657000 POINT(14.0 2.0) Austin (TX) Public Assist Normal Dog Intact Male 3 years Rottweiler Mix Black/Tan
A672745 *Dottie 1392548460 POINT(14.0 2.0) Mlk And Fm 969 in Austin (TX) Stray Normal Dog Spayed Female 2 years American Staffordshire Terrier Mix White/Red
A672746 Manolo 1400679420 POINT(14.0 5.0) Austin (TX) Owner Surrender Normal Dog Neutered Male 9 years Jack Russell Terrier Mix White/Black
A672746 Manolo 1392549660 POINT(14.0 2.0) Travis (TX) Owner Surrender Normal Dog Neutered Male 9 years Jack Russell Terrier Mix White/Black

To see how many animals, count animal_id:

SELECT COUNT(animal_id)
FROM austin_animal_center_intakes
1 records


Suppose we want to collect together all the different types of animals. Add keyword DISTINCT to SELECT:

SELECT DISTINCT animal_type 
  FROM austin_animal_center_intakes
5 records

DISTINCT applies to all columns listed in SELECT:

SELECT DISTINCT animal_type, 
  FROM austin_animal_center_intakes
Displaying records 1 - 10
animal_type sex_upon_intake age_upon_intake
Dog Neutered Male 10 years
Dog Neutered Male 7 years
Cat Intact Female 16 years
Dog Neutered Male 11 years
Dog Spayed Female 7 years
Dog Intact Male 3 years
Dog Spayed Female 2 years
Dog Neutered Male 9 years
Dog Spayed Female 1 year
Other Unknown 3 years

Note: The output of this query has 539 rows, meaning there are 539 combinations of these three values in the data set.


In SQL, we use WHERE to filter data.

To find all cats in the monthly intakes data set:

SELECT year, month, count, animal_type
  FROM austin_animal_center_intakes_by_month
  WHERE animal_type == "Cat"
Displaying records 1 - 10
year month count animal_type
2013 10 542 Cat
2013 11 436 Cat
2013 12 331 Cat
2014 1 335 Cat
2014 2 269 Cat
2014 3 353 Cat
2014 4 566 Cat
2014 5 901 Cat
2014 6 821 Cat
2014 7 881 Cat

Note: Logical operator is =, not ==


In SQL, we use ORDER BY to sort data in ascending or descending order.

To order by year with ties broken by month:

SELECT year, month, count, animal_type
  FROM austin_animal_center_intakes_by_month
  WHERE animal_type == "Cat"
  ORDER BY year, month
Displaying records 1 - 10
year month count animal_type
2013 10 542 Cat
2013 11 436 Cat
2013 12 331 Cat
2014 1 335 Cat
2014 2 269 Cat
2014 3 353 Cat
2014 4 566 Cat
2014 5 901 Cat
2014 6 821 Cat
2014 7 881 Cat

Note: WHERE must come before ORDER BY.


To put more recent data first, use DESC. DESC goes after the variable name:

SELECT year, month, count, animal_type
  FROM austin_animal_center_intakes_by_month
  WHERE animal_type == "Cat"
  ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC
Displaying records 1 - 10
year month count animal_type
2017 12 100 Cat
2017 11 427 Cat
2017 10 513 Cat
2017 9 656 Cat
2017 8 565 Cat
2017 7 669 Cat
2017 6 895 Cat
2017 5 914 Cat
2017 4 565 Cat
2017 3 353 Cat

To order by count in descending order:

SELECT year, month, count, animal_type
  FROM austin_animal_center_intakes_by_month
  WHERE animal_type == "Cat"
Displaying records 1 - 10
year month count animal_type
2015 6 1103 Cat
2015 5 1009 Cat
2016 5 921 Cat
2017 5 914 Cat
2014 5 901 Cat
2017 6 895 Cat
2014 7 881 Cat
2014 6 821 Cat
2015 8 812 Cat
2015 10 784 Cat

NULL Values and Logical Operators

By default, ORDER BY puts NULL values at end; to put them first, add NULLS FIRST at the end of the line.


Logical operators:

  • & - AND
  • | - OR
  • ! - NOT

Cats and dogs where intake condition was not normal:

SELECT animal_type, intake_type, 
  Intake_condition, age_upon_intake
  FROM austin_animal_center_intakes
  WHERE (animal_type = "Cat" OR animal_type = "Dog") AND (NOT intake_condition = "Normal")
Displaying records 1 - 10
animal_type intake_type intake_condition age_upon_intake
Cat Owner Surrender Sick 15 years
Dog Stray Injured 3 years
Cat Stray Injured 1 year
Dog Stray Injured 5 months
Dog Stray Injured 5 years
Cat Stray Injured 1 year
Cat Owner Surrender Sick 11 years
Dog Public Assist Other 3 years
Dog Stray Injured 1 year
Dog Stray Injured 2 years

To check if data value is NULL, use IS NULL:

SELECT * FROM austin_animal_center_intakes
  WHERE animal_type IS NULL
0 records
animal_id name datetime monthyear found_location intake_type intake_condition animal_type sex_upon_intake age_upon_intake breed color


For numerical data, we can use BETWEEN:

FROM austin_animal_center_intakes_by_month
WHERE count BETWEEN 900 and 2000
Displaying records 1 - 10
year month animal_type count
2013 10 Dog 965
2014 5 Cat 901
2014 5 Dog 966
2014 7 Dog 926
2014 9 Dog 917
2015 5 Cat 1009
2015 5 Dog 988
2015 6 Cat 1103
2015 6 Dog 1014
2016 5 Cat 921

Transforming Data with AS

To rename variables, use AS keyword:

SELECT name AS Name, intake_type AS 'Intake Type'
  FROM austin_animal_center_intakes
Displaying records 1 - 10
Name Intake Type
Scamp Stray
Scamp Public Assist
Bri-Bri Stray
Tyson Public Assist
Jo Jo Public Assist
Oso Owner Surrender
Oso Public Assist
*Dottie Stray
Manolo Owner Surrender
Manolo Owner Surrender

To mutate, use AS within select:

SELECT monthyear, 
(age_in_days/365) AS 'Years Old' 
FROM austin_animal_center_age_at_outcome
Displaying records 1 - 10
monthyear animal_type outcome_type Years Old
2014-03 Dog Return to Owner 6.668493
2014-12 Dog Return to Owner 7.454795
2015-11 Cat Return to Owner 16.252055
2015-03 Dog Return to Owner 11.972603
2015-04 Dog Return to Owner 7.638356
2014-09 Dog Return to Owner 2.668493
2014-01 Dog Euthanasia 2.002740
2014-01 Cat Euthanasia 15.013699
2014-01 Dog Return to Owner 3.005479
2014-01 Dog Return to Owner 2.013699


The LIKE and NOT LIKE operators are used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column. They are often used with wildcard characters to substitute for one or more characters in a pattern string:

  • % stands for any number of characters
  • _ matches a single character.


  • “%test” would match “unfairtest”, “fair test”, or “test” but not “test case”.
  • “t_st” matches “test” or “tkst”, but not “tests”.

Suppose we want to find all data where the breed includes “wolfhound”:

SELECT sex_upon_outcome,
FROM austin_animal_center_outcomes
WHERE animal_type = "Dog"
AND breed LIKE "%wolfhound%"
ORDER BY monthyear
Displaying records 1 - 10
sex_upon_outcome outcome_type outcome_subtype breed
Neutered Male Transfer Partner Irish Terrier/Irish Wolfhound
Spayed Female Adoption NA Irish Wolfhound Mix
Neutered Male Transfer Partner Irish Wolfhound/Great Pyrenees
Neutered Male Adoption NA Irish Wolfhound Mix
Neutered Male Adoption NA Catahoula/Irish Wolfhound
Intact Female Return to Owner NA Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane
Neutered Male Transfer Partner Irish Wolfhound/Australian Shepherd
Neutered Male Return to Owner NA Irish Wolfhound Mix
Intact Male Return to Owner NA Irish Wolfhound Mix
Intact Female Transfer Partner Irish Wolfhound Mix


You can select different parts of the data to look at.

  • LIMIT = How many rows to display (can’t be more than 1000)
  • OFFSET = How many rows at beginning to skip.
SELECT found_location, intake_type 
FROM austin_animal_center_intakes
OFFSET 20000
Displaying records 1 - 10
found_location intake_type
Barton Creek Square in Austin (TX) Stray
8411 Ganttcrest Dr in Austin (TX) Stray
1802 Cherry Orchid in Austin (TX) Stray
Austin (TX) Owner Surrender
Austin (TX) Owner Surrender
Mckinney Rd & William Cannon in Austin (TX) Stray
Jubilee Tr in Austin (TX) Stray
4537 S Ih 35 in Austin (TX) Public Assist
Del Valle (TX) Owner Surrender
4537 S Ih 35 in Austin (TX) Public Assist


When done, it’s good practice to disconnect from the database:


3. Joins and Aggregations

In part 2 of this walkthrough, we’ll be using the sales.sqlite database. Let’s set up a connection to it:

db_sales <- dbConnect(
          SQLite(), # Dialect of SQL we will be using
          dbname = "sales.sqlite" # Name of database and where to find it
## <SQLiteConnection>
##   Path: C:\Users\chira\Documents\Projects\sales.sqlite
##   Extensions: TRUE
## [1] "accounts"       "employees"      "intl_accounts"  "sales_pipeline"
## [5] "sales_pipline"  "sales_teams"    "sqlite_stat1"   "sqlite_stat4"

Joining Multiple Tables

Method 1: Use WHERE

SELECT sales_pipeline.sales_agent, 
  FROM sales_teams, sales_pipeline
  WHERE (sales_pipeline.sales_agent = sales_teams.sales_agent)
Displaying records 1 - 10
Sales_Agent manager Account
Moses Frase Dustin Brinkmann Cancity
Darcel Schlecht Melvin Marxen Isdom
Darcel Schlecht Melvin Marxen Cancity
Moses Frase Dustin Brinkmann Codehow
Zane Levy Summer Sewald Hatfan
Anna Snelling Dustin Brinkmann Ron-tech
Vicki Laflamme Celia Rouche J-Texon
Markita Hansen Celia Rouche Cheers
Niesha Huffines Melvin Marxen Zumgoity
James Ascencio Summer Sewald NA

What’s going on here?

  • In FROM, draw data from two tables: sales_teams and sales_pipeline
  • In SELECT, include columns from sales_teams and sales_pipeline using tablename.columnname format
  • In WHERE, indicate how the join works. Declare which of the variables from the two tables must be equal. (It’s fine to set multiple columns equal.)

This is an inner join. It only keeps agents that appear in both tables.

In WHERE, in addition to defining the join, we can also specify filtering conditions:

SELECT sales_pipeline.sales_agent, 
  FROM sales_teams, sales_pipeline
  WHERE (sales_pipeline.sales_agent = sales_teams.sales_agent) AND 
      sales_pipeline.deal_stage = "Won" 
Displaying records 1 - 10
Sales_Agent manager Account
Moses Frase Dustin Brinkmann Cancity
Darcel Schlecht Melvin Marxen Isdom
Darcel Schlecht Melvin Marxen Cancity
Moses Frase Dustin Brinkmann Codehow
Zane Levy Summer Sewald Hatfan
Anna Snelling Dustin Brinkmann Ron-tech
Vicki Laflamme Celia Rouche J-Texon
Markita Hansen Celia Rouche Cheers
Niesha Huffines Melvin Marxen Zumgoity
Anna Snelling Dustin Brinkmann Bioholding

For extra readability, we can relabel variables/columns using AS. We can also rename whole tables:

SELECT pipeline.sales_agent, 
  FROM sales_teams AS teams, sales_pipeline AS pipeline
  WHERE (pipeline.sales_agent = teams.sales_agent) AND 
      pipeline.deal_stage = "Won"
Displaying records 1 - 10
Sales_Agent manager Account
Moses Frase Dustin Brinkmann Cancity
Darcel Schlecht Melvin Marxen Isdom
Darcel Schlecht Melvin Marxen Cancity
Moses Frase Dustin Brinkmann Codehow
Zane Levy Summer Sewald Hatfan
Anna Snelling Dustin Brinkmann Ron-tech
Vicki Laflamme Celia Rouche J-Texon
Markita Hansen Celia Rouche Cheers
Niesha Huffines Melvin Marxen Zumgoity
Anna Snelling Dustin Brinkmann Bioholding

Note: Even when renaming tables in FROM, we can use those new names in SELECT.

Method 2: Use JOIN keyword

When joining columns that have the same name in both tables, we can use USING:

SELECT pipeline.sales_agent AS Agent, 
  FROM sales_teams AS teams
    JOIN sales_pipeline AS pipeline USING (sales_agent)
  WHERE pipeline.deal_stage = "Won" 
Displaying records 1 - 10
Agent manager Account
Moses Frase Dustin Brinkmann Cancity
Darcel Schlecht Melvin Marxen Isdom
Darcel Schlecht Melvin Marxen Cancity
Moses Frase Dustin Brinkmann Codehow
Zane Levy Summer Sewald Hatfan
Anna Snelling Dustin Brinkmann Ron-tech
Vicki Laflamme Celia Rouche J-Texon
Markita Hansen Celia Rouche Cheers
Niesha Huffines Melvin Marxen Zumgoity
Anna Snelling Dustin Brinkmann Bioholding

If the columns we’re joining by have different names, use ON instead of USING:

SELECT pipeline.sales_agent AS Agent, 
  FROM sales_teams AS teams
    JOIN sales_pipeline AS pipeline 
    ON pipeline.sales_agent = teams.sales_agent
  WHERE pipeline.deal_stage = "Won" 
Displaying records 1 - 10
Agent manager Account
Moses Frase Dustin Brinkmann Cancity
Darcel Schlecht Melvin Marxen Isdom
Darcel Schlecht Melvin Marxen Cancity
Moses Frase Dustin Brinkmann Codehow
Zane Levy Summer Sewald Hatfan
Anna Snelling Dustin Brinkmann Ron-tech
Vicki Laflamme Celia Rouche J-Texon
Markita Hansen Celia Rouche Cheers
Niesha Huffines Melvin Marxen Zumgoity
Anna Snelling Dustin Brinkmann Bioholding

Note: This is still an inner join. It only keep agents that appear in both tibbles.

Outer Joins

Right joins, left joins, and full joins are all examples of outer joins.

  • RIGHT OUTER JOIN (not supported by SQLite)
  • FULL OUTER JOIN (not supported by SQLite)

Example of a Left Outer Join:

SELECT sales_teams.sales_agent AS Agent, 
FROM sales_teams 
  LEFT OUTER JOIN sales_pipeline 
  ON sales_teams.sales_agent = sales_pipeline.Sales_Agent
  WHERE Agent = "Carol Thompson"
1 records
Agent Deal_Stage
Carol Thompson NA

Note: Carol Thompson has no deals in pipeline and, thus, does not appear in the sales_pipeline table. However, she is included when we do the left outer join as above because she’s in sales_teams.

To do a right join:

  • If you’re using a more robust dialect of SQL, use RIGHT OUTER JOIN.
  • In SQLite, just switch order of tables.
SELECT sales_teams.sales_agent AS Agent, 
FROM sales_pipeline
  LEFT OUTER JOIN sales_teams
  ON sales_teams.sales_agent = sales_pipeline.Sales_Agent
  WHERE Agent = "Carol Thompson"
0 records
Agent Deal_Stage

To do a full join:

  • In a more robust dialect of SQL, use FULL OUTER JOIN.
  • In SQLite, do the union of a left join and a right join.


  • SUM
  • AVG
  • MIN
  • MAX
  • CONCAT (concatenation)

These go within the SELECT:

SELECT SUM(Revenue) AS "Total Revenue"
  FROM accounts 
1 records
Total Revenue

To count the number of rows, use COUNT(*):

SELECT COUNT(*) AS "Number of Deals Won"
  FROM sales_pipeline
  WHERE deal_stage = "Won"
1 records
Number of Deals Won

Note: Counting of rows happens after WHERE.

Find average closing value of each deal:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS "Deals Won", 
    AVG(close_value) AS "Average Closing Value"
  FROM sales_pipeline
  WHERE deal_stage = "Won"
1 records
Deals Won Average Closing Value
4238 2360.909


SELECT sales_agent AS "Agent", 
    COUNT(*) AS "Deals Won", 
    AVG(close_value) AS "Average Closing Value"
  FROM sales_pipeline
  WHERE deal_stage = "Won"
  GROUP BY sales_agent
Displaying records 1 - 10
Agent Deals Won Average Closing Value
Anna Snelling 208 1322.385
Boris Faz 101 2590.406
Cassey Cress 163 2763.736
Cecily Lampkin 107 2147.664
Corliss Cosme 150 2806.907
Daniell Hammack 114 3194.991
Darcel Schlecht 349 3304.338
Donn Cantrell 158 2821.899
Elease Gluck 80 3614.938
Garret Kinder 75 2636.973

Works with joins:

SELECT sales_teams.manager, 
    COUNT(*) AS "Number Deals Won", 
    AVG(sales_pipeline.close_value) AS "Average Closing Value" 
  FROM sales_teams 
    JOIN sales_pipeline ON (sales_teams.sales_agent = sales_pipeline.sales_agent)
  WHERE sales_pipeline.deal_stage = "Won"
  GROUP BY sales_teams.manager
6 records
manager Number Deals Won Average Closing Value
Cara Losch 480 2354.269
Celia Rouche 610 2629.339
Dustin Brinkmann 747 1465.011
Melvin Marxen 882 2553.209
Rocco Neubert 691 2837.258
Summer Sewald 828 2372.886

To filter observations before an aggregation occurs (or, within an aggregation), use FILTER(WHERE(…)) within the SELECT.

To only count deals with a closing value over 1000:

SELECT sales_agent, 
   COUNT(close_value) AS total, 
   COUNT(close_value) FILTER(WHERE(close_value > 1000)) AS 'over 1000'
  FROM sales_pipeline
  WHERE deal_stage = "Won" 
  GROUP BY sales_agent
Displaying records 1 - 10
Sales_Agent total over 1000
Anna Snelling 208 68
Boris Faz 101 70
Cassey Cress 163 112
Cecily Lampkin 107 63
Corliss Cosme 150 97
Daniell Hammack 114 91
Darcel Schlecht 349 272
Donn Cantrell 158 106
Elease Gluck 80 32
Garret Kinder 75 46

To filter observations after an aggregation occurs, use HAVING. Let’s find sales agents with large deals:

SELECT sales_agent, 
   COUNT(close_value) AS total 
  FROM sales_pipeline
  WHERE deal_stage = "Won" 
  GROUP BY sales_agent
  HAVING COUNT(close_value) > 200
4 records
Sales_Agent total
Anna Snelling 208
Darcel Schlecht 349
Kary Hendrixson 209
Vicki Laflamme 221

Set Operations


To find all accounts, including international:

SELECT intl_accounts.account, 
  intl_accounts.office_location AS location
  FROM intl_accounts
Displaying records 1 - 10
account location
Ganjaflex Japan
Genco Pura Olive Oil Company Italy
Globex Corporation Norway
Betatech Kenya
Bioholding Philipines
Hottechi Korea
Streethex Belgium
Sumace Romania
Zencorporation China
Sunnamplex Poland
SELECT accounts.account, 
    "USA" AS Location
  FROM accounts
Displaying records 1 - 10
Account Location
Acme Corporation USA
Betasoloin USA
Betatech USA
Bioholding USA
Bioplex USA
Blackzim USA
Bluth Company USA
Bubba Gump USA
Cancity USA
Cheers USA

To do the union:

SELECT intl_accounts.account, 
  intl_accounts.office_location AS location
  FROM intl_accounts
SELECT accounts.account, 
    "USA" AS Location
  FROM accounts  
Displaying records 1 - 10
account location
Acme Corporation USA
Betasoloin USA
Betatech Kenya
Betatech USA
Bioholding Philipines
Bioholding USA
Bioplex USA
Blackzim USA
Bluth Company USA

Note: To do a full join, do a left join, do a right join (by swapping the order of the tables in your join), and then take their union.

To find agents in sale_teams but not in sales_pipeline:

SELECT sales_agent
  FROM sales_teams
SELECT sales_agent
  FROM sales_pipeline
5 records
Carl Lin
Carol Thompson
Elizabeth Anderson
Mei-Mei Johns
Natalya Ivanova

Note: This is like a set difference.

Order of Keywords

Keywords must appear in the following order (not all have to appear):

  2. FROM
  3. WHERE